Privacy Policy

Welcome to Envigio Ltd, reg no 15628768, reg.address, 85 Great Portland Street, First Floor, London, England, W1W7LT (hereinafter to be referred to as "Company", “we”, “our”) which possesses and operates website (the “Website”).

This Privacy Policy articulates our dedication to ensuring the security of your information and elucidates our procedures for handling data when you interact with our services. Its purpose is to provide you with comprehensive insight into the gathering, using, and safeguarding of your information while engaging with our diverse offerings.

Information We Collect
Personal information

When users willingly provide their name, email address, phone number and the country of residence by filling out specific forms on our website, we collect and securely store this information. The information submitted by clients serves multiple purposes within our operations.

Non-Personal information

We collect non-personal information from users engaging with our website and services, encompassing technical data like IP addresses, browser types, and device information. Analytical data, comprising aggregated and anonymized information such as browsing behaviour and demographic data, provides valuable insights.

Purposes for information collection
Internal record keeping

Your Personal Data is used to maintain detailed records within our organisation. This includes information such as your contact details, purchase history, preferences, and interactions with our company. These records help us manage our relationship with you effectively, ensuring that we can provide you with personalised service and support.

Service and website improvement

We analyse the Personal Data collected to continuously improve our services and enhance the features of our website. By understanding how you interact with our platform, we can identify areas for improvement, optimise user experience, and introduce new functionalities that better meet your needs.

Promotional communications

With your consent, we may use your email address to send you promotional communications about new products, special offers, or other relevant information. These communications are tailored to your interests based on the information you have provided us, ensuring that the content we deliver is valuable and engaging to you.

Market research

We may use your Personal Data for market research purposes to gain insights into consumer preferences, behaviours, and trends. This involves analysing aggregated data to identify patterns and opportunities, which helps us make informed business decisions and develop strategies to better serve our customers.

Website customization

Your Personal Data allows us to customise your experience on our website according to your interests and preferences. This may include displaying personalised content, recommending products or services based on your past interactions, and optimising the layout and navigation to better suit your browsing habits.

In all these instances, we adhere to legal requirements and industry standards designed to protect your Personal Data and ensure its lawful and ethical use. We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and security of your information while striving to provide you with valuable and relevant experiences.

Security Measures

Ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the information we collect is a top priority for us. To achieve this, we implement robust security measures designed to protect your data from unauthorised access or disclosure. However, it's essential to recognize that while we take every practical precaution, no method of data transmission over the internet or storage on digital platforms can offer absolute certainty of security. We continuously monitor and update our security protocols to mitigate risks and respond to emerging threats, striving to maintain the highest possible standards of data protection for our users.

Third-Party Links

Our website may contain links to third-party websites or services beyond our control. It's important to note that we do not bear responsibility for the privacy practices or content of these third parties. When you click on these external links, please be mindful that their own privacy policies and terms of service govern your interaction. We advise reviewing the privacy statements of any website accessed through such links, as their practices may vary from ours. This disclaimer underscores the significance of exercising caution and discretion when engaging with content or services outside our website's domain.

User’s Rights

As users engaging with our services, you possess certain fundamental rights pertaining to the information you share with us. You have the right to access, rectify, or delete any personal information you have provided. This grants you the ability to review the accuracy of your data, make corrections, or request the removal of specific details from our records.

You have the option to limit the collection or using of your Personal Data through the following methods:

Opting out

Whenever you encounter a form on our website, you retain the choice to opt out of providing certain Personal Data. Simply refrain from filling in the requested fields if you prefer not to disclose specific information. However, please be aware that opting out of certain data collection may impact our ability to provide certain services or effectively contact you regarding your inquiries.

Revoking consent for direct marketing

If you previously consented to us using your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes but have since changed your mind, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You can do so by contacting us via email at the address provided below.

Requesting information held on you

If you wish to obtain a copy of the information we hold about you, please send an email to We will promptly respond to your request and provide you with the relevant details.

Updating or amending personal data

Should you require an update or amendment to your Personal Data in our records, please notify us via email. We are committed to processing your request promptly and will endeavour to make the necessary changes.

Ensuring the accuracy and relevance of your personal information is a priority for us. We are dedicated to facilitating your rights and providing you with the necessary means to manage your data in a manner that aligns with your preferences.

Sharing and Disclosure of User Information

We may share your User Information with third parties under the following circumstances:

Legal obligations

If required by law, we may share your User Information with third parties.

While such instances are unlikely, we may need to provide User Information in response to a court order or government investigation. We may also disclose User Information when necessary to enforce our Privacy Policy, comply with applicable laws, or protect the interests and safety of the Website.

Operational necessity

User Information may be shared to ensure the proper functioning of the Website. This includes tasks such as servicing the Website, providing customer support, conducting marketing activities, performing business analysis, and supporting the Website's functionality, surveys, and other features. Additionally, in the event of a merger, restructuring, reorganisation, dissolution, or sale or transfer of some or all Website assets, User Information may be shared as part of the transaction.

Legitimate interests

We may share User Information when there is another legitimate interest, such as protecting and asserting our legal rights and safeguarding our business against risks.

If we share User Information with third parties, those parties will be contractually obligated to use it only for the purposes disclosed to them and in accordance with your consent. They will also be bound by data protection obligations of a similar level.

User Information will only be shared with employees, agents, and third-party providers on a need-to-know basis and subject to non-disclosure agreements.

We reserve the right, and you explicitly authorise us, to share User Information in the circumstances outlined above.

Governing Law

This Privacy Policy, including any disputes arising from its interpretation, validity, or application, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom, without regard to conflict of law principles. Any legal action or proceedings concerning this Privacy Policy shall be exclusively conducted in the courts of the United Kingdom. By using our services, you explicitly consent to the jurisdiction of such courts for the resolution of any related disputes or claims.

Limitation of Liability

Despite our diligent efforts to protect your personal information and uphold the security of our services, it's important to acknowledge that no system can provide absolute security guarantees. We cannot be held responsible for any accidental disclosure, unauthorised access, or breach of our security measures leading to the unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal information. By using our services, you recognize and consent to these inherent risks. Furthermore, our liability is restricted to the maximum extent permitted by law for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages resulting from your use of our services or any violation of this Privacy Policy.


We retain the authority to update, alter, or substitute any section of this Privacy Policy at our discretion to ensure compliance with evolving legal requirements and to reflect changes in our business practices. Such modifications will take effect upon the posting of the updated version on our website. As a valued user, it is your responsibility to stay informed by checking the website periodically for the most current version of this policy.

Contact Us

For any inquiries or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, we encourage you to reach out to us at

Last Updated: 26.04.2024

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