Cookies Policy

Welcome to the Cookie Policy of Envigio Ltd. By using our website, you acknowledge and consent to the use of cookies as outlined in this policy. This document aims to provide transparency regarding how we use cookies to enhance your online experience while prioritising your privacy and security.

Purposes of cookies

Cookies are small text files placed on your device when you visit a website. These files are essential for improving website functionality and are valuable tools for website owners. By storing vital information, cookies contribute to a smoother and more personalised online experience for users. They enable websites to remember preferences, streamline navigation, and facilitate efficient interactions, ultimately enhancing overall usability.

The use of cookies on our website serves specific purposes aimed at improving your online experience. These purposes include customising website appearance, remembering preferences, enhancing performance, and delivering personalised content. Understanding these purposes is essential for ensuring secure, seamless, and tailored online interactions. Let's delve into these purposes to gain a deeper understanding of how cookies enhance your website experience.

Optimisation of essential features

Cookies ensure the proper functioning of essential features on our website, enabling you to fully use and enjoy the functionalities we offer. Essential cookies support core functionalities such as security, network management, and accessibility, forming the secure foundation for your browsing experience.

Improvement of website performance

By analysing usage patterns through cookies, we gain insights that help enhance overall website performance, ensuring a faster and more efficient browsing experience.

Preference storage

Cookies store information about your preferences, ensuring that your personalised settings are retained for your convenience.

Session data management

Cookies play a crucial role in managing session data, facilitating smooth navigation and seamless transitions during your visit to our website.

Personalised content delivery

The collection of cookies enables us to provide personalised content tailored to your interests and preferences, enriching your online journey.

Understanding visitor interactions

Performance cookies, operating anonymously, help us understand visitor interactions on our website. This information is invaluable for continually analysing and improving website performance, identifying frequently visited pages, and addressing user-related errors to enhance the overall user experience.

Enhancement of user experience

Cookies are collected to customise and optimise your interaction with our website, delivering a more user-friendly experience tailored to your preferences.

Managing cookies

Taking control of your online privacy and browsing experience involves actively managing cookies according to your preferences. Most web browsers offer users the capability to delete existing cookies or adjust settings to prevent the acceptance of new ones. However, it's important to consider that deleting or blocking cookies may impact specific website functionalities, altering features and potentially influencing your overall user experience. Therefore, when exercising these options, it's advisable to weigh the potential trade-offs and find a balance that aligns with your privacy preferences and desired website functionality.

Contact us

For any questions about this Cookie Policy, please contact us at By continuing to use our website, you agree to the use of cookies as described in this policy.

Last Updated: 26.04.2024

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